“Your Calling in the Church”

The following thoughts come from the book: “God at Work – Your Christian Vocation in All of Life”…Many Christians today are scornful of the “institutional church.” They see its faults and its weaknesses, are distracted by the ordinary folks who make up the typical church, and are easily disillusioned with the way it operates. It is so “unspiritual,” they think. Many, burned-out with the everfailing quest to find the perfect church, think they can do without it or try to replace it with informal Bible studies or by throwing themselves instead into parachurch organizations. Others devise totally different ways of “doing church,” only to create another institutional church of their own design.

But minimizing the ordinary local church is a great mistake. Christ is hidden in His church on earth, and always has been. Just because His is not seen – just because there are no spectacular spiritual special effects or because those who worship Him in church are not religious superheroes – does not mean He is not present. He is where He has promised to be – in the Word of God, in the Sacraments, and with His people – “where two or three are gathered in My name” (Matthew 18:20).

Christ also works powerfully through the vocations of the pastor and laypeople. Through all of those seemingly humdrum tasks – preaching, teaching, playing the organ, singing, serving as elder, being on the board of trustees, teaching Sunday School, doing committee work, leading meetings, printing bulletins, making decisions, giving of your time, speaking a word of encouragement to others, simply being present – Jesus is working. Jesus is working tremendous blessings for you and the whole congregation.

This is all to say that the church – which the local church of St. John’s, Cordova, NE is an example of – is a community of faith. Not just a place to go for an hour on Sunday morning. But a place where Christians are involved in each other’s lives – to be blessed by others and to be a blessing to others. It all happens because JESUS is among us to bless us!

So, if you have not been a part of church life in a while, you are missed! Jesus misses your participation in the body of Christ and so do your brothers and sisters in Christ! Join us for worship and consider joining us for one of our small group gatherings as we continue to discuss the book: “God at Work – Your Christian Vocation in All of Life.”

God’s blessings!
Pastor Tuma