“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
During the month of April, our Nebraska district is encouraging its LCMS members to put their faith into action by serving our friends and neighbors in some way. The possibilities are endless – only limited by one’s imagination or desire. But the end goal is the same – letting our faith shine so our lives point others to the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
On Sunday April 14, the youth group will be “shining” their light as they do yard clean-ups during the afternoon in the area. This is for all youth 5th – 12th grade, their parents, and…anyone who wants to let their light “SHINE!” The more people who help by shining their light, the more glory we give to our Lord…and the more people who get their yards cleaned too!
A couple of sign-up sheets will be posted for volunteer helpers who want to let their light shine and to make a list of yards to be cleaned.
More information about the district SHINE! event, forming your own group, and potential servant event ideas can be found at: ndlcms.org/shine/
Thankful for Jesus who is the light of the world,
Pastor Tuma