“A New Journey”

“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.’” Matthew 2:1-2

Happy New Year! The above text is part of the traditional Epiphany reading from Matthew 2:1-12. The day of Epiphany which is January 6th celebrates the revelation of God’s plan of salvation to the wise men. Because God revealed His Son to these men, they went on a journey to worship Him.

But can you imagine the journey?! These men traveled hundreds of miles to an unknown destination! They traveled all the way by camel or by foot! No doubt it was a life-changing journey for them! But it was a journey – a desired destination of utmost importance – that the Lord had laid on their hearts.

During this time of the year, God the Father has once again revealed His plan of salvation to
us in His Son. He calls us on a journey to seek Him – to receive His love; to grow in His ways; to live for Him. It’s a journey that stands before us as we begin a new year.

But as we continue our journey and embark on the new journey of 2023, there are a lot of things that seek to stand in our way! The ways of the world, our guilt and shame, and pain and sorrow all seek to stand in our way. They all seek to minimize and scandalize our journey of seeking the King.

But for this reason, our Lord shows us anew who He is and what He has come to do for us. He has come to free us from the ways of this world. He has come to redeem us from our guilt and shame. He has come to strengthen us and give us peace in the midst of our sorrows – through His word, sacraments and people. And one day, all things will be made new and right.

But until then, we begin a new year. Our Lord calls us to look ahead at the journey that lies before us in 2023. There are a lot of things on the horizon, but the most important thing is Jesus. With Jesus as the most important thing on our journey of 2023, it shapes up to be – not only a happy – but a blessed new year!

God’s blessings on your 2023 journey!

Pastor Tuma