A Study on Our Worship Service

Have you ever wondered, “What is going on in our worship service? Where do the words of our liturgy come from? What does ‘liturgy’ even mean? What do other words like ‘Kyrie’ and ‘Agnus Dei’ mean? Is there a progression to the worship service, and if so, how is it understood?” Such questions are good questions to ask when it comes to something we do every week!

If you have ever had questions about the worship service, you are not alone. There is a certain amount of mystery and wonder that goes on in a worship service. Yet, such mystery and wonder should only apply to what God is doing, not what we are doing!

Starting Sunday July 9th, we will begin an 8-week study on our worship service during Sunday morning Bible study. During our time, we will look at the various parts, words, and flow of setting 1 from our hymnal. We will not only consider where our wording comes from but also the context of the wording. We will consider the various parts of the service when the Lord is actively serving us. And we will consider the various parts of the service when we are actively worshipping our Lord.

In summary, there is a richness to the dialog between God and the believer in our worship service form. When we understand the “what” and the “why” of that dialog, we are led into the wonders of God working among us. And when we understand our worship service at a deeper level, our worship experience goes to a deeper level too which blesses us in many ways!

Praying that our study will be a blessing to all who attend.

Pastor Tuma