Supporting The Keim Family The Keim family is currently attempting to obtain visas to stay in Thailand. In the meantime, they need to go back and forth across the border to obtain temporary 30 day stays. This…

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New Book, New Small Groups

Starting in September, our small groups will begin discussing a new book called (Dis)ordered: Lies about Human Nature and the Truth that Sets Us Free. The book looks at the depth of our fallen…

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Pastor’s Vacation

Pastor & Rebecca will be on vacation from June 5th through July 5th. If you have spiritual needs while Pastor is gone, please talk to one of the Elders.

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Holy Baptism

According to the command and promise of God, Chelsy Hernandez received the blessings of Baptism May 6th at St. John’s. God’s word says in Acts 2:38-39, “Repent and be baptized every one of you…

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