
Prayer Vigil

Our country needs much prayer. With this in mind, we will have a 24 hour Mid-Term Election Day prayer vigil at the church from 8:00 a.m. Monday November 7th until 8:00 a.m. Tuesday November 8th. We are hoping that someone will be able to be at the church praying during each of the one hour slots during this 24 hour period. Please see the bulletin board for time slots and sign up if interested in participating in this way. Please be in prayer for our country!

Small Group

We will discuss Chapter 5 “Your Calling as a Worker” in our book. Please join us for one of these small, casual gatherings as we grow in faith and enjoy fellowship.


Small Group

We will discuss Chapter 5 “Your Calling as a Worker” in our book. Please join us for one of these small, casual gatherings as we grow in faith and enjoy fellowship.
