“Going to Church IS Good for Us!”

An article from the summer 2024 edition of “Better Health” from Concordia Plans has the following to say, “Regular church attendance is good for our physical health and our mental health. In a review of 69 studies, regularly attending church is linked to a lower incidence of death from cardiovascular disease.

Similarly, a Norwegian study published in the International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine found that the more time a person spends at church, the lower his or her blood pressure. (The Norwegian study strengthened an American study that had already made that conclusion).

Furthermore, Psychology Today reports that regular church attendance also boosts mental health by providing feelings of hope and belonging, as well as increasing…a sense of self-worth. That makes sense because as Christians, we know we are loved: “But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8.”

So, what does this mean? It means that there are many blessings (and likely more than what we realize) to going to church! In other words, the Lord not only commands us to “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy”, but fills it with MANY blessings.

As we gather as His people around His word and Sacraments, we are assured of His love, filled with His forgiveness, guided in His wisdom, and strengthened for our journey. Furthermore, we have the privilege to both receive and give Christian support to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

And additionally, as research shows, the result is that attending church is good for us both physically and mentally too. Who would have known? Of course, the answer to that question would be: The Lord. For even studies show that the Lord really wants to give us gifts as we go to church!

I pray that each of us routinely takes the time to come to church and receive God’s gifts. Because in the end, God knows it’s good for us!

Pastor Tuma