“Good, in Jesus”

“So, how are you doing?” It’s a common question that we ask others. It’s a common question others ask us. Its almost as common as the air we breathe! And the common response that is given is usually some variation of “Good.”

But for us as Christians, our response should not be as subjective as the question suggests. In other words, our response should not be determined by OUR feelings, motions, wants, experiences, or standards. Our response should be determined by the standard of God’s word.

The question then becomes, “How are you doing in light of God’s word?” And so, when it comes to God’s Commandments, we might have to say, “I have not been in church like God tells me to be (#3). I have struggled with lusting after people I’m not married to (#6). In have really struggled to look at my neighbor in a good way and with good thoughts (#8). I have not been good at living with God in mind when it comes to the thoughts I have, the decisions I make, and the life I live (#1).”

So, in all honesty, when it comes to the standard of God’s law, we have to say, “I’m NOT good.” And in all honesty, this is something we probably already know. This is
something we all experience.

But this is why God’s word says to us, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” Matthew 6:33. And “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” Matthew 5:6.

So, here’s the twist! We are doing good when we realize we are not doing good! In other words, we are doing good when we realize how much we need Jesus. And we are doing good when we realize how much we have in Jesus. Colossians 1:17 says of Jesus, “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”

So, with this in mind, we seek and hunger and thirst for Jesus. We live with Him in mind. This does not always make life easy or the way we want life to be. BUT the next time someone asks you how you are doing, you can truly say, “I’m realizing how much I need and have in Jesus!” Or, with Jesus in mind, you can truly say, “Good!” “Good!” because the objective reality is – Jesus is always working for our good!

The Lord bless you as you live in Him,
Pastor Tuma