Happy Father’s Day

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.” Luke 15:20b

The above words are from Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son. “Prodigal” meaning “wasteful” or “reckless”. In this parable, the younger son desires the inheritance of his father rather than having a relationship with his father. In a move that would have been socially taboo, the younger son asks for his inheritance, gathers it, and moves away to squander it. Normally, a story like this would end with words condemning the wayward ways of youth!

But that is not how the parable ends. Instead, the father watches…has compassion… runs…embraces…and kisses…his prodigal son! And ultimately, the father makes the decision to restore the relationship that the son had broken. “For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.” (Luke 15:24a)

In other words, the prodigal son returns home to be a servant, but the father reinstates him as his son. In this way, Jesus’ parable is not so much about the prodigal son as it is about the compassionate father.

As Jesus tells this parable, it tells us about the heart that our Heavenly Father has toward us. For like the prodigal son, we often go our own way. We often squander the things He gives us. We often take the dead-end road that leads us to say, “I am no longer worthy to be called your son (or daughter).” (Luke 15:19, 21)

But the parable that Jesus tells declares to you that YOU have a compassionate Father. A compassionate Father who is watching for YOU. A compassionate Father who calls YOU to turn from sin and come back to Him. A compassion Father who has already given His one and only Son to restore YOU to Himself. A compassion Father who always loves YOU, always forgives YOU, and always reinstates YOU as His son or daughter.

And so, if you are a father, your Heavenly Father helps you in your vocation. For the times you have failed, YOU are forgiven in His Son, Jesus. For the hard tasks and sacrifices that lie ahead, He gives YOU His compassion and Holy Spirit to strengthen you and guide you.

If you celebrate your earthly father on Father’s Day, thank him for his faithful service. And praise your Heavenly Father who has granted you blessings through him. If you struggle to celebrate your earthly father on Father’s Day, know that your Heavenly Father knows. Forgive with the forgiveness you have received (Colossians 3:13). And know that your Heavenly Father says to you, “You are always with Me, and all that is Mine is yours.” For your Heavenly Father gives you His Son and lives in you through the Holy Spirit.

So, no matter who we are, we all can celebrate Father’s Day – all because we have a Heavenly Father who is compassionate toward us as His beloved children!

Pastor Tuma