“Tears Tell the Story”

“Big boys don’t cry.” “No use in crying over spilt milk.” “For crying out loud!” “You either have to laugh or cry.” “I laughed so hard, I cried!” Tears of whatever sort, and at times the admonition of them, point to the realities of life.

As we look to the Bible, we find that the pages of Scripture are filled with tears too! Job wept in agony at his sufferings (Job 16:16). David wept over his son Absalom (2 Sam. 18:33). Joseph wept for joy when reunited and reconciled with his brothers (Gen. 45:2). Solomon said there was a time to weep (Eccl. 3:4) and the psalmist promises, “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy” (Psalm 126:5).

Our life experiences bring us to tears too. Sometimes tears of sadness. And sometimes tears of joy.

The season of Lent takes tears seriously. Or to say it another way, the season of Lent produces in us tears of sadness and joy. Tears of sadness and joy when we actually take seriously on a conscious level what we believe down in our souls to be true: There really IS a holy God who holds us accountable. He really DID send His Son, Jesus to die for our sins and rise from the dead. We really ARE condemned to an eternity in hell unless we repent and trust Jesus as our only Savior. And for those who do trust Jesus, there really IS a wonderful eternity ahead where all tears of sorrow will turn to tears of joy.

This year during our Lenten season we will look at the tears of Scripture under the theme of “Tears Tell the Story.” As such we will be moved to tears of sorrow over our sins. But also, and more importantly, we will be moved to tears of joy over our Savior’s love for us.

Our Lenten season begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14th. Join us each Wednesday throughout the weeks of Lent as we have suppers at 6:00 pm followed by worship services at 7:00 pm.

God bless your spiritual journey throughout the days of Lent.

Pastor Tuma