The Bible Message For Special Times

When things look hopeless, read Isaiah 40.
When tempted to do wrong, read Psalm 139.
If you are facing a crisis, read Psalm 46.
When you are discouraged, think about the words of Psalm 23.
If you are bored, read Psalm 103, or 104 and Job 38-40.
When business is bad, read Psalm 37.
When you are lonely, read Psalm 27.
When you are worried about loved ones, read Psalm 107.
When you plan your budget, read Luke 19.
To live successfully with others, follow the teachings of Romans 12.
If you are sick or in pain, read Psalm 91.
When you are traveling, carry the message of Psalm 121.
When you are tired, read Matthew 11:28-30 and Romans 8:31-39.
When everything seems to be going wrong, read 2 Timothy 3.
When friends reject you, hold fast to 1 Corinthians 13.
When you are placed in a position of great responsibility, read Joshua 1.
If you have experienced a severe loss, read Romans 8, especially the last chapter.