“The Blessings of being in God’s Word”

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Psalm 119:105

By now, the following has probably been said a hundred times: “Where has the summer gone?” Looking back, I am so thankful that the Lord gave us rains after the summer started out SO dry! Otherwise, by this point, we would be lamenting how LONG the summer has been! But this once again reminds us that the Lord IS good… and He does provide for our needs.

As we turn our sights ahead toward fall, we look forward to the Lord providing for our needs through His word too. For without God’s word, this world is a dry, barren, lifeless place. A lot of things promise to give us what we long for in life: joy, contentment, peace, a sense of well-being, purpose, meaning and hope. But then, they all end up leaving us more empty, more tired, and more hopeless than we
were without them.

So, for this reason, we need something that is real. Something that really speaks to our need. Something that really speaks to our circumstances. Something that really guides us on our life’s journey. And that would be – God’s word. With this in mind, the above verse from Psalm 119:105 again says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

So, as you (and your family) look ahead to this fall, I invite you to see that God’s word is already shining for YOU! It is ready to give light and life on YOUR pathway. So, you (and your family) are invited anew to walk in God’s word as the following events start anew at St. John’s in September…

September 6 – Confirmation Classes begin for 5th – 8th graders from 4 – 6 pm
September 10 – Sunday School kickoff for ages 4 – adult
September 17 – Youth Group Kickoff for 5th -12th graders & parents, 5:30 pm, Smith Creek Recreation Area
Month of September – Small Groups start discussing book: “(Dis)ordered: Lies about Human Nature and the Truth that Sets us Free”

Looking forward to God’s blessings as we spend time in His word!
