Vacation Bible School

St. John’s will hold their Vacation Bible School called Rainforest Explorers July 24th -28th, 2023
from 5:00-8:00 p.m. for children ages 3—12.

At Rainforest Explorers VBS, children will learn that Jesus leads the way! They’ll look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and explore five Bible accounts where God points us to our Savior, His Son, Jesus. He treasures us, and He is our treasure! He leads the way to eternal life with Him!

Join us for Vacation Bible School! Supper will be served, there will be games, crafts, Bible lessons and more!

Each year our VBS allows us to share the good news of Jesus Christ, but we can’t do this without the help of our entire congregation.

Sign-up sheets for volunteers are on the table by the west door.

Your prayers for another great Vacation Bible School are greatly appreciated!