Waiting on the New

“But according to His promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” 2 Peter 3:13

As we end the year of 2023, we may look forward to new beginnings in 2024 in a variety of ways. New beginnings in the way of our health, diet, exercise, relationships, work environment, culture, country, world and overall attitude. For depending upon our struggles in these areas, we might want to “turn a new leaf” and say, “Out with the old and in with the new!”

But as we look forward to new beginnings in 2024, it is a passive and active thing. In other words, some things are out of our control. Some things we just cannot change. And some things are in our control. Some things are in our hands to manage.

In summary, this helps us think about our lives in the Lord. With the things that we cannot control, we trust in the Lord. We pray to Him to change things. We pray to Him to give us what we need and what don’t have to help us get through things. And when it comes to the things that we can change, we ask Him for His strength and wisdom. That He gives us His Spirit along with the abilities and the perseverance to make changes as His people.

Yet, such thoughts not only reflect our lives at the turn of a new year. Such thoughts summarize our Christian lives. With the above words of 2 Peter in mind, we are looking forward to a new beginning at the end of time. The time when Jesus will appear again and “turn a new leaf” and say, “It is time to put out the old and bring in the new” which we know to be a new heavens and a new earth.

So, what does this mean? It means that in the meantime our lives are a passive and active thing. It means that as we journey toward the Last Day, we are fully reliant upon the Lord. We live in His mercy and grace and favor. We trust that He will provide for all our needs (and He will!).

But at the same time, we actively live out our faith. We do the work of the Lord in His kingdom as He enables us. We repent of sin. We trust Christ’s forgiveness. We fight against temptation. We live out our faith in our vocations. We hold to God’s promises. We worship the Lord. We love our neighbor. We live life with one eye on our work and one eye on our Lord’s anticipated coming.

To give a visual description of this, we are like a waiter or a waitress in a restaurant. Someone who does not just wait around doing nothing. But someone who has been given things to do in a certain setting and in a certain way.

By God’s grace the Lord “employs” us as His people. By His grace and favor He has made us His own. In Jesus, we are God’s children who await the day when all things will be new.

But as such, we don’t just wait around doing nothing. We have been given the privilege of doing God’s work. The privilege of working on God’s behalf. The privilege of being His hands and feet in our vocations. The privilege of telling other about Him who don’t know Him. The privilege of being God’s people who shine the love of Jesus in a dark world. All toward the goal that others may see our good works and give glory to our Father who is in heaven. And in this way, we anticipate the new.

Waiting and working with you, Pastor Tuma